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Are you casting spells on yourself?

Let's think about thid for a moment......casting spells....what does that exactly mean? Well, in my opinion, to CAST is to throw, toss, hurl, pitch, sling and to SPELL is to write or name the letters that form a word. When you write, you spell the words, yeah......are you following me?

When we speak to one another, we are literally casting our words, our spells. When we talk to ourselves, we are casting our words, our spells to ourselves. The energies of the universe only recognize the energies you are putting out!

I can't speak for anyone else, I can only speak for my self and my expierences that I have had up until now. My journey, my traumas, my healings are all my own, my decisions that I have made for myself in my life has taught me priceless lessons.

When we talk down to another, we are casting spells. When we talk up to another, we are casing spells still. Our words are so powerful and we throw them around like it doesn't matter! We don't pay attention to what we are telling ourselves. I used to speak ugly words into myself: you are ugly, you are fat, look at your messed up eye, look at these disgusting stretch marks....... I wondered for many years, why I felt like I did. Why was I so depressed about my self and my body? Why did nothing work that I tried to reverse the way I felt and how I looked in the mirror? Well, it was because for decades and I mean decades, I cursed myself with my own spells!!! Yes, I did!!!! When I finally figured it out, I changed it. I was so sick of my own communication with myself that I had to change, I had to be happier! I went on a journey, a spiritual journey of connection with my soul's higher self! Don't let this short spell work fool you, I did a lot of things that most people will not do! Most people will not change everything about their lifestyle to change, including the food we put in our body, to the people we hang with, to the words we use on a daily basis! I did an intensive dark shadow work on my self, my body, my views on it, what people used to say about it, what I really felt about it and why. I had to. I was obese in the doctor's eyes. I was disgusting in my eyes. I was over 200 pound and was only 5'5. I had Sub-Clinical Hyperthyroidism and 4 large tumors on it, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Chronic pain, LIver disease to name a few and going on 16 surgeries. I was on a whole butt load of pharmecutical medications that they assured me would make me feel better, but casued issues of their own. I was told there is no cure from the medical doctors of western medicine!

I was literally done with the lies! I knew deep down that wasn't the truth, so I took a deep dive into Holistic Medicine and my dark self. For 7 straight days, 15 minutes a day minumum I did intense shadow work on my "meat suit", my body, my flesh and bones. I found myself doing more than 15 minutes a day. It was weird at first, talking to myself the way I was in this excercise, but then it became powerful! Every morning, I wanted to do it, I craved it. I was like, we started this, let's go to the end of this!!! After the 7 days, I ended the exercise with a cleansing herbal bath. I imagined all the yuck I was holding onto and feeling my entire life, to be washed, cleansed and taken away by the magical water, right down the drain and back to Mother Earth. I gave myself time to integrate and process what I had just done to myself. It was amazing, so amazing that I almost didn't believe it for a bit. What happened you ask? I stopped talking ill of myself. I stopped calling myself names, I stopped feeling those feeling of ugliness and unworthiness. It was like my higher self said, "ok, Goddess, now we are talking the right words, yes, we can work with that kind of spell work, thank you!" and just like that.............I wanted to eat better (I was already on that journey) I wanted to get healthier ( I started shedding the weight)! I started listening to my body and what it wanted. I asked questions of it and waited for the answers. I received them loud and clear and nothing of what I would expect. My decisions where mine and mine alone. I expieremented with so many different methods of recovey, including formal recovery programs.

I have been able to get off of all pharmecutical medications, all of my dis-eases are gone, including the hyperthyroidism. The tumore are almost gone, due to the use of RSO and Cannibis, not chemotherapy and radiation! I got to keep my thyroid!! I will only use plant medicine......homeopathic/supplemental herbs and energy healing! I have lost 80 pound and I have never been more healthy in my entire life!!! I tell myself, I love you often. I hug myself, give myself a pat on the back. I cry when I need to, scream when I need to, I tell myself you are ok, you will get through this too, I speak, I cast positive spells on myself now. Communication is key and it will either make a situation great or it can make it very uncomfortable. The conversation can either make you or break you, if you allow it!

I made a choice. I made a choice to live my healthiest life from now on! I have never been happier and more at peace in my entire life. Yes, I still have life issues to deal with and to get slapped in the face from time to time, (like being assaulted, losing a major income source, and someone attemped to break into my home recently, to name a few) just as everyone else does, but my words are powerful, so I will mind those thoughts and cast only positive spells on myself.

Do you cast spells on yourself? Do you talk ill of yourself? I encourage you to stop. Please, don't say you can't! Those are just words of can!!!!!!! Make the chouice!! You are worth it, you are valuable and beautiful in your original creator given self! Speak love into yourself, speak it so loud that your sub-consciousness hears you loud and clear! Watch what will happen!!!! The journey is yours to take at any time. Healing is always your choice!

Blessed be in light and in love,

Yvette (Luna)

CEO, Bella Luna's Wellness Center

High Priestess/Minister

Energy Healing Practitioner

Reiki Master

Doctor of Metaphysics

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